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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

When you look in the mirror, do you like the smile you see? Many people are unaware of the amazing transformation that is possible through modern cosmetic dentistry. You can look more youthful and feel more confident in as little as a single appointment. Explore the following cosmetic services that are available to you.



For some people, the thought of undergoing orthodontic treatment with conspicuous metal braces is unappealing. However, there is an alternative for you. Invisalign is a teeth-straightening system that uses an accurate 3D image of your teeth in order to design a series of clear, plastic mouthpieces that fit over them. Each piece slightly moves your teeth until after just 12-18 months pass, you have a beautiful, healthy, and straight smile. Ask if Invisalign is for you!


Porcelain Veneers

When your teeth are otherwise healthy, but you are unhappy with the look of your smile, porcelain veneers may be the appropriate cosmetic enhancement for you. Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain, an all-natural, organic material, that your dentist customizes just for you – shaping and shading them to create your new flawless smile. After a little tooth preparation, porcelain veneers are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth. The procedure is comfortable, and the results are a long-lasting smile that gives you confidence. For porcelain veneers contact us today.


Tooth Whitening

Some patients look in the mirror and see a smile that is nicely aligned and healthy. But, smoking, drinking coffee, or consuming other staining foods can leave teeth discolored. If this describes you, tooth whitening is your solution. For tooth whitening contact us today.


  • In-office ZOOM!
  • The ZOOM! whitening system is a treatment that you can receive in a single visit. ZOOM! treatments involve the use of a specialized, prescription-strength gel. Under the supervision of Drs. Garland and Johnson, the gel will be applied to your teeth using a special tray (similar to a mouth guard). Then, a proprietary light source activates the gel. In just one visit, you walk out with a bright, youthful smile.
  • At-home
  • You may also elect an at-home whitening treatment. The at-home whitening system includes a custom-fitted tray and prescription whitening gel. Your doctors will give you detailed instructions about how to use the system. You can expect the at-home process to take between two and four weeks, leaving you with a bright, beautiful smile.


Porcelain Crowns

Sometimes injury or decay damages a tooth to a degree that the tooth structure cannot hold a filling. In such a case, a porcelain crown is the mercury-free answer. Our doctors prepare your existing tooth structure to act as the foundation for a custom-made crown that is expertly shaped and shaded to match your existing teeth perfectly. The crown is permanently fitted over your tooth and looks and feels completely natural due to porcelain’s natural properties.